What is Microseeds?
Microseeds is a Christian microcredit ministry that provides small zero-interest loans to people living in poverty. Microseeds works through the local Church to provide these loans by assisting the church in its ministry to care for the poor in Jesus’ name
Microseeds.org is a ministry of Meme Stephens Ministries, a tax-exempt 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Microseeds began its work in January 2008 with our Rwandan ministry partners.
What is microcredit?
Microcredit is simply providing a small loan to a person with the purpose of helping them start a business and generate an income. Microcredit is an effective means of alleviating poverty and improving the lives of the very poorest in the world.
How many people are in the program?
Currently there are over 400 women in the program in 9 different locations in Rwanda, one location in DR Congo and one location in Uganda.
How does Microseeds work?
You donate money to fund a loan (loan sizes are generally between $40 and $80 per person)
They use that money to help build their family business.
At the end of the of the loan cycle (usually 16 weeks) the money is automatically used to fund another loan.

Meme is a pastor’s wife, mother of three, Nashville recording artist, and an inspiring worship leader. Her style of praise is intimate and sweet, disarming and endearing.
As a gifted speaker and soloist Meme served with World Vision, an international Christian relief and development agency as one of their top 20 World Vision Artists Associates in the Nation. The heart of her music inspires people to love God and their neighbor.
Music has led her to minister throughout the US and abroad. Her songs have taken her through Central America, Europe and Africa and recently, she completed a Christmas Tour in East Africa. The “H.O.P.E. for the Children Tour” Meme traveled through Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda, drawing attention to the needs of HIV orphans in these countries.
Microseeds, started in 2006 after returning from a tour in Eastern Africa. Broken hearted for the people there and determined to do more in the fight against poverty the Stephens’ formed Microseeds a nonprofit, tax exempt micro-credit organization, to help empower widows in Rwanda Africa. The Stephens Family now lives in Houston, Texas.

Scott A. Stephens (MBA, MDIV) Co-Founder, provides strategic leadership to microseeds as the board chair.
In his professional life, Scott works for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.
Scott received his MDIV in 1991 from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, Hamiliton Massachusetts and was Ordained in 1996.

Your donation provides a loan to a someone in need. Loan sizes range from $40 to $80 per person. Loans are provided in groups of 6 to 12 women. The groups provide support, prayer, and accountability. Once a loan cycle is complete (usually 16 weeks) the loan funds are returned and redistributed to a person in a new group. Women, particularly widows with children receive the majority of loans disbursed. God bless you for your generosity.
All donations are fully tax deductible.
Microseeds is a ministry of Meme Stephens Ministries, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.